Historic Allen Chapel


“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” -1 Peter 4:10

Provide a ministry that leads and facilitates the congregation in true worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through music and song.

Trustees are responsible for the safeguarding all the church properties and for making improvements when necessary.  Stewards promote the overall program of the church and encourage the membership to support it.

Stewardess promote the overall program of the church and encourage the membership to support it.

Endeavor to meet the changing needs and concerns of women and youth through intensive training, recruitment, and Christian witnessing. 

Greet and assist congregants with the smooth flow of the order of service.

Foremost vehicle for teaching the principles of the Christian religion and the Bible.

To foster closer relationships between men of the church, to equip men of the church for meaningful service, to reach unsaved men, and to present positive role models for our youth.

Members come to share their life experiences, artistic creativeness, exercising the mind and body, play games and more importantly share their faith and fellowship.  


Helping children discover a loving heavenly Father through Bible lessons, songs, and group activities during Sunday services.